Official Opening of the UistWind site near Clachan, North Uist. Visit the site, see the wind turbines up close, speak to Enercon & the Locogen PM.
11.30 – 13:00 Open day introductions and site tours with Q & A 13.00 Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band March to Turbine opening Join us at the end of the new road to Turbine 1 13:15 – 13:30 Official ribbon cutting ceremony 13:30 – 14:30 Refreshments and Tour of Turbine 1 with music 14:30 Close Park in the road lay-by area next to the road, or park near the entrance alongside the site cabins. |
Join us for the celebrations!
CALL TO ACTION - Members have your say at AMM
1st Annual Meeting of the Members of NUDC-T. Only Members can vote at the AMM but ALL THE COMMUNITY ARE WELCOME FOR EVENING CELEBRATIONS AT THE CEILIDH. 15:30 - 16:00 Reception with light refreshments 16:00 - 18:00 Annual Members Meeting UISTWIND COMMUNITY CEILIDH 18:00 - 22:00 UistWind Ceilidh for all to celebrate the project - Eat, drink, dance and be merry! Free entry. Food, initial drinks (bring your own for afterwards), alongside music, fun and laughter. |